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We Are One Of The Largest Belt Fastener Manufacturers


We reached thousands of customers in an effort to be the first company that comes to mind when it comes to connection equipment. Belt fasteners are very important for us. Because we care about quality as much as we care about production and we sell durable products.

Our products are no different from the fashion products displayed in the showcase. Because we direct the sector and pay attention to the specialties of our products.

For our product range, please check our website and ask for a price.

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Dalgıç Şirketler Grubu bünyesinde AR-GE, inovasyon, girişim, e-ihracat, e-ticaret, tedarik ve yatırım kavramlarını temele alarak 2020 yılında "We are a global supplier of your needs" sloganıyla Dalgıç Global İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. kurulmuştur.

İstanbul (HQ)

Orhanlı Mahallesi, Demokrasi Caddesi, Işıkdağ Plaza

No:26/10, 34956




Ostim OSB. Mahallesi, 

100. Yıl Bulvarı,

Prestij Plaza D Blok No:55/12, 06374 Yenimahalle/Ankara



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